Sound Recording: Half Hour of House Wren Dawn Singing

Recorded on June 6, 2020
Recorded in Peabody Street, Duluth, MN
This was part of my dawn chorus recording for the day. I caught this House Wren’s entire singing bout without editing out noises or pauses. You can hear at least one other wren off in the distance. I started recording at 4:22, and this guy started singing at about 4:34 am; he kept singing without a break until about 5:03; sunrise was at 5:15. (This is why bird recordists get up early.) I counted 294 songs, making his production almost exactly 10 songs per minute.
I’m guessing the bird in the photo is this wren because the photo was taken in the central area where he sings, often on that perch, but the bird in the photo wasn’t singing when I took it and theoretically could even be a female.
Duration: 29′38″