For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for July, 2023

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2. 3. Tools before eBird: The Breeding Bird Survey 5′49″, new! 4. Tools before eBird: Weather radar 5′04″, new! 5. The Value of eBird, Part 4: Science, Conservation, and Education 5′30″, new! 6. 7. 8.
9. 10. Air Quality Alert: Are birdbaths safe? And how about bird flu? 5′54″, new! 11. Finding Baby Winter Wrens 5′10″, new! 12. Summer Update 5′17″, new! 13. 14. BB's Babies! 5′50″, new! 15.
16. 17. Ten Year Anniversary of My Quitting Beef 5′59″, new! 18. 19. Of Magpie Nests and "Man's Pitiful Confusions" 5′11″, new! 20. Teach Your Children Well, Part 1 5′49″, new! 21. Teach Your Children Well, Part 2 4′56″, new! 22.
23. 24. 25. Hummingbirds! 5′52″, new! 26. 27. 28. Parasitic Jaeger in July!! 5′47″, new! 29.
30. 31. Florida in Crisis 5′26″, new!