For the Birds Radio Program Calendar for May, 2021

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2. 3. The Miracles of May 5′07″, new! 4. Evening Grosbeaks! 5′30″, new! 5. Chickadee Nesting Update 4′59″, new! 6. Gee Whiz, RIP 5′13″, new! 7. Celebrity Watch: Monty and Rose 5′10″, new! 8.
9. 10. What IS a Warbler? 5′34″, new! 11. Song Sparrows! 5′16″, new! 12. Our Far-Flung Correspondents: Pam's Chickadees 3′57″, new! 13. The Price of Getting Older 5′27″, new! 14. Spring Update 5′04″, new! 15.
16. 17. Thar Be Baby Chickadees!! 5′13″, new! 18. Black Vulture Madness 5′15″, rerun (2019) 19. Unusually pale Song Sparrow 4′13″, rerun (2017) 20. Listing 4′43″, rerun (2016) 21. Scale Insects and Passenger Pigeons 5′07″, rerun (2014) 22.
23. 24. Red-headed Woodpecker! 5′14″, new! 25. Wood Thrush! 4′46″, new! 26. The Last of the Evening Grosbeaks? 5′13″, new! 27. Eastern Towhee's Got a Name 4′35″, rerun (2018) 28. Pesticides: Just say no! 6′21″, new! 29.
30. 31. Chickadee Worries 5′12″, new!