Wild Turkey
Meleagris gallopavo | Order: Galliformes | Family: Phasianidae (Pheasants, Grouse, and Allies) |
Benjamin Franklin suggested in a letter to his daughter that he disapproved of the choice of the Bald Eagle for the national emblem, but expressed relief that the bird on the official emblem didn’t resemble an eagle very closely. “I am on this account not displeased that the Figure is not known as a Bald Eagle, but looks more like a Turkey. For the Truth the Turkey is in Comparison a much more respectable Bird, and withal a true original Native of America… He is besides, though a little vain & silly, a Bird of Courage, and would not hesitate to attack a Grenadier of the British Guards who should presume to invade his Farm Yard with a red Coat on.”
The Wild Turkey features in the Guinness Book of World Records:
Wild Turkey: Strongest bird gizzard. The gizzard is the portion of a bird’s stomach that grinds food into small pieces. The world’s strongest recorded gizzard is that of the turkey Meleagris gallopavo. One specimen had crushed 24 walnuts in their shells within 4 hours, and had also ground surgical lancet blades into grit within 16 hours.
Wild Turkeys probably were not found in Minnesota or much of Wisconsin before European settlement. “Re-introduction” programs historically and in recent decades have expanded the species range far beyond what it had ever been before. Turkeys are omnivorous, devouring bird eggs and baby birds as well as anything else they find on the ground. I suspect that within a decade or two, they will be considered as great an ecological and human problem as Canada Geese and White-tailed Deer are now.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- Bird feeding recommendations during the bird flu outbreak 2025
- Let's Talk Turkey 2023
- Flamingo Road, Part I 2023
- Record-breakers, from turkeys to godwits 2022
- It's All Good 2022
- Migration Update 2021
- November Musings, Part 1 2020
- October Snow! 2020
- Hearts! 2020
- Bird Declines, Part 2 2019
- Cathy Zimmerman's Bobwhite 2019
- Moseying through the Bog 2017
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does 2015
- Mark Twain's Autobiography: Hunting Pigeons and Turkeys 2014
- Review: Smart Phone Apps 2014
- Keeping Track of Declining Numbers 2013
- Ulysses S. Grant: Failed Hunter 2012
- They Shoot Hawks, Don't They? 2012
- Field Sparrow 2012
- Where are the birds? Part I 2011
- Golden-winged Warbler 2011
- New Year's Day predictions based on your first bird of the year 2011
- 2009 Resolutions 2009
- Baker Woodlot Then and Now 2008
- Birding at Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge 2006
- Two-winged Eagle 2004
- Superstitions 2004
- Slow Down! 2004
- Wall Street Journal Article Distortions 2002
- Wall Street Journal article about bird feeding 2002
- Light Verse 2002
- Expressions Part II 2001
- Gluttony 2000
- Christmas 2000
- November Turkeys 2000
- Thanksgiving Turkey Biology 2000
- Cardinal Memories 2000
- Talkin' Turkey 1999
- Turkeys 1999
- Valentine's Day 1996
- Christmas Birds 1995
- Turkeys: The Inside Story 1995
- Turkeys (Placeholder) 1994
- Gluttony 1992
- Columbus Day 1991
- Hearts 1991
- European Starling with Paul Schmitz as Hotspur 1990
- Stranger than Fiction 1989
- Bird Expressions, Part II 1989
- Wild Turkey (remastered from 1986) 1989
- Turkey Hunt 1989
- Eagle Courtship 1989
- Preparing for a trip 1988
- Hearts 1988
- Christmas 1987
- Stranger than Fiction 1987
- Bird Gluttons (Remastered for 1987) 1987
- Ogden Nash's Birthday 1987
- Bird Gluttons: Original 1986
- Wild Turkey, with Ogden Nash poem (Original) 1986
- Little Known Facts 1986