Sandhill Crane
Grus canadensis | Order: Gruiformes | Family: Gruidae (Cranes) |
Grus canadensis
Order: Gruiformes
Family: Gruidae (Cranes)
This conservation success story has become much more common thanks to the efforts of conservationists led in large part by the International Crane Foundation. Sandhill Cranes mate for life, pairs remaining together year-round. The one or two chicks hatched each year remain with their parents through the winter. I put together a long blog post that serves as a species profile: More than You Maybe Wanted to Know about Sandhill Cranes with lots of photos and information about this magnificent bird.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- Bird Flu Update 2025
- Transmission Lines, Part 2 2024
- Transmission Lines 2024
- When Plans Go Awry 2023
- Flamingo Road, Part I 2023
- Disney Wilderness Preserve 2023
- Wild Florida 2023
- April Is the Cruelest Month 2023
- Chickadee Day 2023
- Road Trips 2021 2021
- A Visit to Port Wing 2021
- A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 5: European Starling 2020
- A Conversation with Don Kroodsma, Part 3: Sandhill Crane 2020
- They Shoot Swans, Don't They? (TIME SENSITIVE. MUST be aired on April 20,.) 2020
- Bonus program: More than You Wanted to Know about Sandhill Cranes, Part 2 2020
- More than You Wanted to Know about Sandhill Cranes, Part I 2020
- Indiana Dunes Birding Festival 2019
- Babies! 2019
- Live from KUMD 2018
- Of Weddings and Baseball 2018
- Visiting Port Wing's South Shore School 2018
- Our Far-Flung Correspondents 2017
- Divided We Fall 2017
- Review: National Geographic field guide, Seventh Edition 2017
- Life Giving Experiences 2017
- Unexpected Trip to Chicago 2017
- Oldest Wild Birds 2014
- Review: Smart Phone Apps 2014
- Where are the conservationist hunters of yesteryear? 2014
- Giving Up Beef for Bird Conservation 2013
- A Walk in Port Wing 2013
- The Resurrection Project, Part 2 2013
- Texas Drought 2013
- Minnesota Non-Game Wildlife Program's Bait-and-Switch 2012
- Minnesota DNR's betrayal of nongame birds 2011
- Birding in Florida: Viera Wetlands 2011
- Minnesota Power to Install Flight Diverters to Protect Whooping Cranes 2010
- Evolution of Birds at Feeders 2009
- Baby-Proofing the World of Birds 2009
- Contentment 2008
- Signs of Spring (Early Spring 2008) 2008
- Dr. Ruth of Ornithology Pt. 3. How birds do it 2007
- Dr. Ruth of Ornithology Pt. 2: How birds prepare their bodies for reproduction 2007
- Ice Storms 2007
- Wild Birds I Have Known, Part II 2007
- Whooping Crane tragedy 2007
- Good News and Bad News about Cranes 2006
- Spring Advancing 2006 2006
- Through the Looking Glass 2006
- Birds in Public Art 2005
- Birds in the News 2005
- Sandhill Crane Migration 2005
- Birds in the News: Hurricane Charley, and drug testing for pigeons 2004
- Hurricanes and Birds 2004
- April is the cruelest month 2004
- Nebraska 2004
- Conserve Energy 2004
- Whooping Crane 2003
- Whooping Crane Ultralight Migration 2003
- Iraq 2003
- Valentine's Day Birds 2003
- Whooping Crane Ultralight Experiment 2002
- Whooping Cranes II 2002
- Whooping Crane Project, Part I 2002
- Katie to Oberlin 2002
- Roadside Birding 2002
- Cruisin' with Spring 2002
- Birthday 2001 2001
- Whooping Crane Project, Part II 2000
- Thunderstorms 2000
- Connecting with Nature 1999
- Birds Mating for Life 1999
- The Dr. Ruth of Ornithology explains the birds and the bees (UDY) 1997
- Baby Bird Graduation 1997
- Connecting with Birds 1997
- Woodson Art Museum 1996
- Sandhill Cranes Facing the Cold 1996
- Cranes of the Platte 1996
- Book Review: Birdfinder, A Birder's Guide to Planning North American Trips 1996
- Evening Cranes 1995
- Morning Cranes 1995
- Cranes (Placeholder) 1995
- Thunderstorms 1990
- Flocking 1989
- Birds People Seldom Think of Singing 1989
- Pot Pourri 1987
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1987
- Weird Bird Songs and Calls 1987
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1986
Sound Recordings
- Sandhill Cranes, 5 calls 2023
- Sandhill Cranes--9 calls 2023
- 25 minutes in a Sharp-tailed Grouse blind 2016
- Red-winged Blackbird display call 2004
- Sandhill Cranes: 6 minutes feeding and dancing 2004
- Sandhill Cranes feeding and dancing in field 4 minutes 2004
- Sandhill Cranes feeding, 5 1/2 minutes 2004
- Gadwall: 17 "Burp" calls with other sounds 2001