Eastern Whip-poor-will
Antrostomus vociferus | Order: Caprimulgiformes | Family: Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies) |
Antrostomus vociferus
Order: Caprimulgiformes
Family: Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)

This wonderful insect-eating species is declining dangerously for many reasons. It used to be easy to find places to hear it; those areas are becoming fewer and farther between.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- Of Magpie Nests and "Man's Pitiful Confusions" 2023
- Merlin: A Different Kind of Magician 2023
- Investing in the Future 2021
- Our Not-So-Far-Flung Correspondents: Letter from Aleda 2021
- Eastern Towhee's Got a Name 2018
- 2012 Big Day Recap 2012
- August: the Grunge Month 2008
- Poem by Barb Schmeling 2005
- Tropical Migrants 2005
- Birds in the News in Ohio: Iced Tails and Odd Winter Sightings 2005
- Superstitions 2004
- Goatsuckers 2004
- Yard List, Part I 2003
- Noise 2002
- E-mail questions 2001
- Blue Moon (reworked from 1990) 1999
- Bird Name Pronunciations 1997
- Luna Moths on Burntside Lake 1997
- Robert Frost 1997
- Pauraques and Hummingbirds: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in Action 1995
- Luna Moth 1994
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 1994
- Whip-poor-wills (Placeholder) 1993
- Controversy in the Birding World 1992
- End of National Blue Jay Awareness Month 1990 1990
- Nighthawks and Jays 1989
- Birds That Say Their Names 1989
- Chimney Swift 1989
- Nighthawk 1989
- Nighthawk (remastered from 1987) 1989
- Hibernation 1989
- Forest Fragmentation 1988
- Nighthawks 1988
- Augury 1988
- Birds in Science Fiction 1988
- The Kiwi 1988
- Birds in the News 1987
- Birding Anywhere 1987
- Nighthawks 1987
- Birding as a Sport 1987
- Birds That Say Their Names 1986
- Birds That Say Their Names 1986
- Fourth of July Birds 1986
Sound Recordings
- Whip-poor-will calling 2006
- Whip-poor-will calling 2006
- Common Nighthawk with Whip-poor-will calling in background 2004
- Whip-poor-will, 10 seconds 2004
- Whip-poor-will with nighthawk and mosquitoes 2004
- Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk: 10 seconds 2004
- Whip-poor-will and nighthawk, 43 seconds 2004