Common Nighthawk
Chordeiles minor | Order: Caprimulgiformes | Family: Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies) |
Chordeiles minor
Order: Caprimulgiformes
Family: Caprimulgidae (Nightjars and Allies)
Common Nighthawks were once an everyday summer presence in big cities and towns, nesting on rooftops and making their “peent” calls at dusk. This species is near the very top of my list of favorite birds–I love watching them fly and roost, I specialized on them when I was a bird rehabilitator, I studied their digestion for of my ill-fated Ph.D. program (I was going to be the first person to get a Ph.D. in Avian Physiology at the U. of Minnesota with out sacrificing a single bird), my love was fanned by several of the individuals I got to know personally as I rehabbed them, and I deeply loved Fred, the nighthawk I was licensed to keep as an education bird.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- The Completely Made-Up Story of Frederick the Nighthawk and Sneakers the Blue Jay 2025
- Going to Scientific Meetings in Past Decades 2024
- Nighthawks! 2024
- Peabody Street Update: The Good News and the Bad News 2024
- Birds Off a Feather 2024
- Kenn Kaufman's new book: The Birds That Audubon Missed, Part 1 2024
- Generational Amnesia 2023
- Nighthawks: Reason for hope 2023
- Nighthawks: Why are they declining? 2023
- Nighthawks! Part I: Why I love them so much 2023
- Stranger in a Strange Land: Adapting to a Novel Environment 2023
- Anything Can Happen 2022
- Pileated Woodpecker 2021
- Of Nighthawks and Kind People 2021
- Investing in the Future 2021
- May in August 2020
- Migration Begins Softly 2020
- Blast from the Past: Answering a Stupid Question--Nighthawk Caeca 2020
- Blast from the Past: Cestodes! 2020
- Jennifer Ackerman Week: Part II 2020
- Exsanguination 2020
- By the Dawn's Early Dark 2020
- Tuesday Bonus: The Tale of Frederick and Sneakers 2020
- Of Caeca and Appendices 2020
- Nighthawks on the Wing 2019
- How Are This Year's Fires Affecting Nighthawks? 2018
- Biggest Week in American Birding 2018
- Birding in the Postseason 2017
- Where have all the insects gone? 2017
- My little girl 2016
- Numbers! 2015
- Bird Tongues Part 2 2014
- Nature: Cataloging the particular 2014
- Nesting Black-capped Vireos 2014
- Birthday 2013 2013
- Common Nighthawk Migration, Part II (Paul Schanhaar's account) 2013
- Common Nighthawk Migration, Part I 2013
- Book Review: The Unfeathered Bird 2013
- Ironic Experiment on White-throated Sparrows 2013
- My First Nighthawk 2012
- August Nighthawks 2012
- 2012 Big Day Recap 2012
- Gazing in Wonder at Nighthawks 2011
- Tapeworms Part II 2010
- Tapeworm Part I 2010
- Emily's Eagle, Part II 2008
- August 2007 Migration Update 2007
- Nighthawks 2007
- Dark Sky 2007
- Gary Duke 2006
- Nighthawks 2006 2006
- Tufted Titmouse (from Arkansas) 2006
- Misadventures, Part II 2006
- Nighthawks! 2005
- Mourning Dove Hunting 2005
- Questions Not Answered in Books 2005
- Birds in the News in Ohio: Iced Tails and Odd Winter Sightings 2005
- Migration Strategies 2004
- Goatsuckers 2004
- Conserve Water 2004
- Fall Migration 2003
- Mars 2003
- Counting Birds 2003
- Nighthawks 2003
- Home from Ohio 2003
- Book Review: Larry Weber's Spiders 2003
- Space Shuttle Columbia 2003
- New Orleans 2002
- Common Nighthawk 2002
- Nighthawks: Gentle Spirits of the Night Sky 2001
- Far Away Places (modified from 1996) 2000
- Laura's Quick Weight-Loss Plan: Migration! 2000
- Tropical Dreams 2000
- Trespassing on the Wild 2000
- Thunderstorms 2000
- Adjusting to Less 2000
- 100,000 Miles (Ford Aspire) 2000
- Nighthawk monitoring 1999
- Blue Moon (reworked from 1990) 1999
- Marry Someone Like a Blue Jay 1999
- Migration Update and Kestrels 1998
- Nighthawk migration 1998
- Family Values of Birds 1998
- Salivary Glands 1997
- Bird Name Pronunciations 1997
- Sora (redone from 1993) 1997
- Magical Time with the Nighthawks 1997
- Salivary Glands 1997
- Luna Moths on Burntside Lake 1997
- Urban Birds (Adapted from 1988) 1997
- Far Away Places 1996
- Bat vs. Falcons 1996
- Nighthawk migration 1996
- Hawk Ridge 1996
- Chuckie 1996
- Valentine's Day 1996
- The Dragonfly Connection 1995
- Jeff Sonstegard 1995
- Baseball Bird List 1995
- Hawk Ridge 1995
- Chimney Swifts 1995
- Betsy the Wonder Puppy 1995
- Big Day 1995 1995
- Salivary Glands 1995
- Pauraques and Hummingbirds: The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle in Action 1995
- Dave Barry 1994
- Dave Barry 1994
- Fred the Nighthawk 1994
- A Day in the Life 1994
- Dissecting Birds 1994
- Sneakers vs. Fred through a Stethoscope 1994
- Luna Moth 1994
- Dave Barry 1994
- Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle 1994
- Caeca 1993
- Dissecting Birds 1993
- Nighthawk Digestion 1993
- Sora 1993
- Nighthawk Migration (Placeholder) 1993
- Nighthawks in Winter (Placeholder) 1993
- Morning in America (Placeholder) 1992
- Romance is for the birds (Placeholder) 1992
- Tapeworms 1992
- Exit, Pursued by a Bear 1992
- Ginger the Nighthawk Update 1992
- Nighthawk City 1992
- Hawk Ridge Assistants 1992
- Frederick and Sneakers 1992
- Going on Vacation (Placeholder) 1992
- Lazy Summer Days (Placeholder) 1992
- Nighthawk Dissection 1992
- Sneakers's First Word 1992
- Allergies 1992
- AOU Meeting 1992
- Evacuating with Children and Birds 1992
- Ginger the Nighthawk 1992
- Controversy in the Birding World 1992
- Nighthawk 1992
- North by Northwest 1992
- Big Day 1992 1992
- Sneakers 1991
- Home Construction 1991
- Birding along I-35 1991
- End of National Blue Jay Awareness Month 1990 1990
- Ani Ganders Says Marry Someone Like a Blue Jay 1990
- Caeca: The Inside Story 1990
- Thunderstorms 1990
- Migration 1990
- Bug Catching 1990
- Nighthawk migration 1990
- Katie's Birthday 1989
- Children and Birds (Placeholder) 1989
- Birds Laura Is Taking Care Of (Placeholder) 1989
- Scarlett and Ashley 1989
- Nighthawks 1989
- Elderhostel 1989
- Baby Siskin 1989
- WIndow Kills 1989
- Nighthawks and Jays 1989
- Deformed Birds around Duluth 1989
- Urban Birds (revised) Date confirmed 1989
- Taking Care of Injured Birds 1989
- Cats 1989
- Chimney Swift 1989
- Nighthawk 1989
- Questions about birds 1989
- Nighthawk (remastered from 1987) 1989
- Nighthawks 1988
- Urban birds (Original) 1988
- Evocative Bird Songs 1988
- 100,000 Miles (Chevy Citation) 1987
- Rare Birds 1987
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1987
- Summer's End 1987
- Some questions about birds 1987
- Nighthawks 1987
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1986
- Chimney Swifts 1986
- Fourth of July Birds 1986
Sound Recordings
- Urban Common Nighthawks 2019
- Common Nighthawk calling and booming 2006
- Common Nighthawk: Distant calls and booming 2004
- Common Nighthawk with Whip-poor-will calling in background 2004
- Common Nighthawk 2004
- Whip-poor-will with nighthawk and mosquitoes 2004
- Whip-poor-will and Common Nighthawk: 10 seconds 2004
- Whip-poor-will and nighthawk, 43 seconds 2004