Canada Goose
Branta canadensis | Order: Anseriformes | Family: Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl) |
Branta canadensis
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae (Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl)
This abundant goose used to live up to its name, most breeding in Canada and Alaska. Now it breeds throughout the northern half of the United States, including in cities and suburbs. Intentionally introduced in many places as a game bird, it’s now considered a pest in many areas.
Having problems with Canada Geese? Check out some ways to solve the problem.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- My 2025 Chickadee Pilgrimage 2025
- Every Day Is a Gift, Part 2: Kauaʻi 2024
- Dee Dee Nana and Walter's first official Bird Walk 2023
- Three Book Reviews 2022
- Sounds of Early Spring 2022
- Migration Update 2021
- Spring! 2021
- Jo Simon's Question about Geese 2020
- Canada Goose Migration 2020
- Spring Update 2020
- Bird Declines, Part 2 2019
- Spring Update: March Madness 2019
- First Bird of 2019 2019
- Fiftieth Anniversary! 2018
- Of Weddings and Baseball 2018
- Meg's Question: When do Canada Geese molt? 2018
- The Pathological Moseyer Gets a Desk Treadmill 2018
- Baby ducks and geese in creches or nurseries 2017
- The World I Choose to Live In 2017
- Slow Down! 2017
- National Poetry Month: Birdsong 2017
- Unexpected Trip to Chicago 2017
- How I spent January 20, 2017 2017
- Correcting Egregious Errors 2016
- Birding with Pip: Update 2015
- New Beginnings 2015
- Stupid Is as Stupid Does 2015
- Oldest Wild Birds 2014
- Keeping Track of Declining Numbers 2013
- Big Year Treasures 2013
- Morton Arboretum Canada Geese 2013
- Brant! 2012
- Fishy Tales 2012
- They Shoot Hawks, Don't They? 2012
- Groundhog Day in Washington D.C. 2012
- Cure for Nature Deficit Disorder 2011
- Golden-winged Warbler 2011
- Winter's Last Stand 2011
- Spring along Interstate 65 2011
- Woodstock 2011
- Declining Numbers 2010
- November Migration 2009
- Prolonged Autumn 2009
- Baby-Proofing the World of Birds 2009
- Mayday! Tragedy Strikes Nests 2009
- Beware the Ideas of March 2009
- February Ducks 2009
- Airplane-Bird Collisions 2009
- Goose Poop 2008
- Dawn Chorus 2008
- Fun Morning in Sapsucker Woods 2008
- Golden-crowned Kinglet 2008
- Canada Geese in Winter 2008
- Ithaca: New Yard List! 2008
- Christmas Bird Count 2007 2007
- Environment Then and Now 2007
- Cackling Goose 2007
- Birding from a Deer Stand 2006
- October 2006 Bird Update 2006
- Autumn 2006
- Slaty-backed Gull 2006
- For the Birds at 20 Years! 2006
- Sunday Spring Walk 2006
- Migration Update 2006
- Spring Advancing 2006 2006
- National Wildlife Refuges 2006
- Birding with Photon 2005
- Signs of Spring 2005 2005
- Birds in the News 2005
- Starlings and House Sparrows 2005
- Great Backyard Bird Count, 2005 2005
- This Winter 2005
- Aurora 2004
- Shoreline Conservation Tips 2004
- Baby Geese 2004
- A Walk in Port Wing 2004
- Aldo Leopold's March, from A Sand County Almanac 2004
- Poems by Mary Oliver 2004
- Birds on Christmas Cards 2003
- Whooping Crane Ultralight Migration 2003
- A Walk in Port Wing 2003
- Counting Birds 2003
- A Day in Port Wing 2003
- Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest 2003
- Home from Ohio 2003
- Whooping Cranes II 2002
- Light Verse 2002
- Leaves 2002
- Evocativeness of Autumn 2002
- Katie to Oberlin 2002
- Niagara Falls 2002
- Awkward Season 2002
- Hummingbirds 2002
- Cruisin' with Spring 2002
- Bird Sounds in Commercials and TV Shows 2001
- John Oberholtzer Poem for All Souls Day 2000
- Slow Down! You Move Too Fast (Re-recorded) 2000
- Trespassing on the Wild 2000
- Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 2000
- Leap Year Day 2000
- Tufted Duck 2000
- Canada Goose Overpopulation in Cities 1999
- Apple Cider 1998
- Evocativeness of Autumn 1998
- Valentine's Day 1998
- Silly Bird Names 1998
- Family Values of Birds 1998
- New Jersey Brant 1997
- Urban Birds (Adapted from 1988) 1997
- Spring is here—almost 1997
- Woodson Art Museum 1996
- Spring! 1996
- Geese of the Platte 1996
- Baseball Bird List 1995
- Birds in the News 1995
- Betsy the Wonder Puppy 1995
- Romance 1995
- Canada Geese (Placeholder) 1994
- Spring Walk 1994
- Sigurd Olson's Geese (Placeholder) 1993
- Canada Goose (For the Birds book/script) 1993
- Canada Geese (Placeholder) 1993
- Canada Goose (Placeholder) 1993
- Canada Goose (Placeholder) 1992
- Collective Birds 1991
- Mallards (re-written from 1989) 1991
- Sounds of Spring Migration 1991
- Downy Woodpecker 1991
- Christmas Bird Count Summary, 1989 1989
- Woodpeckers 1989
- Flocking 1989
- Collective Nouns for Birds 1989
- Eclipse Plumage (Date confirmed) 1989
- Urban Birds (revised) Date confirmed 1989
- Trespassing on the Wild (Original) 1989
- Slow Down! 1989
- Migration Hows and Whys 1989
- Migration Report 1989
- Great Horned Owl 1989
- Downy Woodpecker 1989
- Mallards 1989
- Birds of Ireland 1989
- Mother-in-Laws, human and avian 1989
- Birds of Washington, D.C. 1989
- Exotic Birds 1988
- Birds and Housework 1988
- WHOA! Big Day at the Pumping Station 1988
- "Something Told the Wild Geese" 1988
- Collective Nouns for Birds 1988
- Urban birds (Original) 1988
- Jolly Times at an Elderhostel 1988
- How and Why Birds Migrate 1988
- Leap Year Day 1988
- Last Robin of Winter contest announced 1988
- Mothers-in Law 1988
- Flocking 1987
- Duck Hunting, with a quote from Sam Cook 1987
- Welcome to WOJB and KBEM with Ogden Nash 1987
- Birding from a Car with Kids 1987
- 1-year Anniversary of For the Birds 1987
- Slow Down! You Move Too Fast (Original) 1987
- More signs of spring 1987
- Early Signs of Spring 1987
- At the Zoo 1987
- Canada Geese and Sigurd Olson's *The Singing Wilderness* 1986
- Canada Geese 1986
- Questions about Birds 1986
- Silly Bird Names 1986
Sound Recordings
- Common Redpolls: 45 minutes 2022
- April 17 Morning Song 2022
- Canada Goose: Four flying over 2022
- Mid-April Dawn Chorus 2021
- Brown Thrasher: 10 minutes 2020
- Dawn Chorus, May 31, 2020 2020
- Dawn in a Sharp-tailed Grouse blind 2016
- Ellis Hollow Dawn 2008
- Sandhill Cranes: 6 minutes feeding and dancing 2004
- Sandhill Cranes feeding and dancing in field 4 minutes 2004
- Canada Goose family 2001
- Dawn Chorus, Port Wing near sewage ponds 2001
- Black-capped Chickadee 18 songs 2001
- Gadwall: 17 "Burp" calls with other sounds 2001
- Canada Goose, Port Wing Sewage Ponds 2001