Brown Creeper
Certhia americana | Order: Passeriformes | Family: Certhiidae (Treecreepers) |
Certhia americana
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Certhiidae (Treecreepers)
This attractive little brown bird creeps up tree trunks and large limbs often in a spiral pattern. Its eyes are very forward facing; it spies tiny grubs and other insects in the crevices of bark and uses its slender, curved bill to pull them out.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- A Personal Ray of Hope 2025
- Joan Brigham at 100! 2024
- First Robin of Spring 2023
- Alaska, Part 11A: Winding Down 2022
- Sharing a Sense of Wonder with Walter 2021
- April Update 2021
- Balancing Our Curiosity and Wonder with What Birds Need 2020
- Bonus Thursday: Backyard Update 2020
- Spring Is Springing! 2020
- Tuesday bonus: Laura's Best Bird EVER! A Brown Creeper Goes to School 2020
- Brown Creeper 2020
- Distressing News for Birders with Hearing Loss 2019
- Spring Update 2016
- Savoring a Slow Spring 2016
- The Cruelty of an April Wind 2016
- Laura's bionic ears! (Well, her new hearing aids) 2015
- Birding in Madison, Wisconsin 2013
- Brown Creeper 2012
- 2012 Big Day Recap 2012
- Autumn 2007
- Sunday Spring Walk 2006
- Migration Update 2006
- Red-breasted Nuthatch 2006
- Carolina Chickadees (from Arkansas) 2006
- Brinckley! (from Arkansas) 2006
- Conservation: Chimneys and Plastic Rings 2004
- Christmas Bird Count 2003 2003
- Spring Migratory Flocks 2003
- Sleeping Tight 2002
- Kinglets, Creepers, and Other October Treasures 2000
- National Bird-Feeding Month 2000
- Daylight Savings Time 1999
- Enduring Winter at Night 1999
- October Bird Sounds 1998
- White-breasted Nuthatch 1998
- Searching for Spring 1997
- Brown Creeper 1997
- National Bird-Feeding Month 1996
- Northern Shrike 1992
- Warblers 1992
- Essential Nature of Mature and Dying Trees 1991
- Christmas Bird Count Summary, 1989 1989
- Northern Shrike 1989
- Christmas Bird Count 1988 Summary 1988
- Christmas Bird Count 1988 1988
- Flocking 1987
- Christmas Bird Count 1986 1986