Blackburnian Warbler
Setophaga fusca | Order: Passeriformes | Family: Parulidae (New World Warblers) |
This stunning warbler of the treetops was not named for the male’s black and flaming orange colors but for Anna Blackburn, an English woman who funded some ornithological expeditions. It’s fairly common in mature mixed forests of the north, but more easily heard (if you still have your high-frequency hearing) than seen. It does often frequent ground-level birdbaths, especially if it hears dripping water.
To hear the high-frequency songs and calls of this or any other species with high-pitched vocalizations, even with my hearing aids, and to get a direction for them, I use Lang Elliott’s “Hear Birds Again”. The app is free to download, and the website has clear and easy directions to make the fairly inexpensive binaural headphones. To know if the bird is there in the first place, I use the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Merlin app.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- A Personal Ray of Hope 2025
- Year of the Chickadee, Part 3 2025
- What's in a Name? 2023
- Finding Baby Winter Wrens 2023
- Merlin: A Different Kind of Magician 2023
- My Most Colorful Spring and an Adorable Little Despot 2022
- Distressing News for Birders with Hearing Loss 2019
- Book Review: Kenn Kaufman's A Season on the Wind 2019
- June Hike 2018
- Passport to Adventure, Part I 2017
- The World I Choose to Live In 2017
- Hog Island Audubon Camp 2016
- Warbler Day 2016
- Leap Year Day 2016
- Little Old Lady in Tennis Shoes: Hearing Aids 2015
- Fall migration update 2015
- Window Collisions This Spring 2015
- Laura's bionic ears! (Well, her new hearing aids) 2015
- A Visit to the Audiologist 2014
- Struggling with Warblers? 2014
- My second binoculars 2014
- Review: Smart Phone Apps 2014
- Weird Warbler Migration 2014 2014
- Biggest Week in American Birding 2012 2012
- Book Review: Field Guides I Do Not Recommend 2011
- Hearing Loss 2011
- Anniversaries 2011
- Changing the Rules of Writing Bird Names 2009
- Cool Bird Bath 2007
- Protecting Our Hearing with Earplugs 2006
- Book Review: Pete Dunne's Essential Field Guide Companion 2006
- Breeding Bird Survey 2006 2006
- Eurasian Tree Sparrow 2004
- A Walk in Port Wing 2003
- Summer magic: warblers 2003
- Fall Warblers 2002
- American Heritage Dictionary 2002
- Autumn 2001
- Passport 2000
- Cardinal Memories 2000
- Warblers and Edge 2000
- My Favorite Warbler 2000
- "Wise Use" movement 1999
- Warblers 1996
- Groundhog Day 1996
- Blackburnian Warbler (Placeholder) 1993
- Warblers 1992
- Essential Nature of Mature and Dying Trees 1991
- Gift Ideas: Other Bird Books 1989
- National Warbler Awareness Week: My Favorite Warbler 1989
- National Warbler Awareness Week: Blackburnian Warbler 1989
- Blackburnian Warbler 1988
- We Need a President Who Is FOR the Birds 1988
- Jolly Times at an Elderhostel 1988
- Yellow-rumped Warbler 1988
- Winter Olympics 1988
- Warblers by Canoe 1987
- Fog 1987
- Why Birdwatch? Charlton Ogburn Explains 1986
- Fly Up and Tell 'Em You're from Duluth! 1986