Black-throated Green Warbler
Setophaga virens | Order: Passeriformes | Family: Parulidae (New World Warblers) |
Setophaga virens
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Parulidae (New World Warblers)
This lovely warbler, characteristic of northeastern coniferous forests, is one of the more common members of its family. The male sings persistently during the breeding season. Laura has attracted several males by making her own imitation of the song. One individual was reported to sing 466 songs in one hour. The zee-zee-zee-zoo-zee song, given near the middle of a male’s territory, serves to attract females. The zoo-zee-zoo-zoo-zee song is mostly sung around the territory’s margins to deter other males.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- Year of the Chickadee, Part 3 2025
- Warbler Day! 2019
- June Hike 2018
- Hog Island Audubon Camp 2016
- Warbler Day 2016
- Savoring a Slow Spring 2016
- Struggling with Warblers? 2014
- Review: Smart Phone Apps 2014
- My Little Bird Dog 2014
- Book Review: Field Guides I Do Not Recommend 2011
- Anniversaries 2011
- Declining Numbers 2010
- Black-throated Green Warbler 2009
- A Walk at Tettagouche State Park 2007
- July Riches on a Mid-Summer Hike 2007
- Cool Bird Bath 2007
- A Walk in Port Wing 2003
- Warblers 2003
- Summer magic: warblers 2003
- Warbler Days 2003
- Fall Warblers 2002
- Mid-summer Sounds 2002
- Big Migration Day 2002
- Warblers and Edge 2000
- My Favorite Warbler 2000
- Yellow-rumped Warbler 1990
- National Warbler Awareness Week: My Favorite Warbler 1989
- Yellow-rumped Warbler 1988
- Winter Olympics 1988
- Onomatopoetic Bird Calls and Mnemonics 1987
- Warblers by Canoe 1987