Barn Swallow
Hirundo rustica | Order: Passeriformes | Family: Hirundinidae (Swallows) |
Hirundo rustica
Order: Passeriformes
Family: Hirundinidae (Swallows)
This widespread swallow is probably the species that inspired Aristotle’s “one swallow does not a summer make.” One population of Barn Swallows nests in South America during the northern winter.
Having problems with swallows nesting on your house? Check out some ways to solve the problem.
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- Bird Flu Update 2025
- Birds in Art, Part 3: When Birds and Humans Intersect 2022
- Our Far-Flung Correspondents: WDRT Listener Mark Kastel's Barn Swallows 2021
- Migration Begins Softly 2020
- Birding in the Tiniest State 2019
- The Floodgates Open! 2017
- Correcting Egregious Errors 2016
- My First Book: The Little Golden Book Bird Stamps 2014
- Nature: Cataloging the particular 2014
- Machias Seal Island, Part III: On the Island! 2013
- A Walk in Port Wing 2013
- Purple Finch 2011
- Birds of Iraq 2006
- Migration Update 2006
- A Walk in Port Wing 2003
- Human and Avian Migrations 2003
- Solving Bird Problems 2002
- Niagara Falls 2002
- American Heritage Dictionary 2002
- Book Club; The Yearling 2001
- 100,000 Miles (Ford Aspire) 2000
- Swallows in Winter 2000
- Hibernate 1999
- Migration 1996
- 100,000 miles 1994
- Homing, Part II (Re-recorded) 1991
- Barn Swallows 1989
- Hibernation 1989
- 100,000 Miles (Chevy Citation) 1987
- Barn Swallow 1987
- Homing, Part II (Original) 1986
- Swallow Migration 1986