Bald Eagle
Haliaeetus leucocephalus | Order: Accipitriformes | Family: Accipitridae (Hawks, Eagles, and Kites) |
Ben Franklin disapproved of the Bald Eagle, as he wrote his daughter. “For my own part I wish the Bald Eagle had not been chosen the Representative of our Country. He is a Bird of bad moral Character. He does not get his Living honestly. You may have seen him perched on some dead Tree near the River, where, too lazy to fish for himself, he watches the Labour of the Fishing Hawk; and when that diligent Bird has at length taken a Fish, and is bearing it to his Nest for the Support of his Mate and young Ones, the Bald Eagle pursues him and takes it from him.
“With all this Injustice, he is never in good Case but like those among Men who live by Sharping & Robbing he is generally poor and often very lousy. Besides he is a rank Coward: The little King Bird not bigger than a Sparrow attacks him boldly and drives him out of the District. He is therefore by no means a proper Emblem for the brave and honest Cincinnati of America who have driven all the King birds from our Country…”
The eagle has a place in the Guinness Book of World Records:
Bald Eagle: Largest bird’s nest. The largest bird’s nest was built by a pair of bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), and possibly their successors, near St Petersburg, Florida, USA and measured 2.9 m (9 ft 6 in) wide and 6 m (20 ft) deep. It was examined in 1963 and was estimated to weigh more than two tonnes (4,409 lb).
Laura's Published Works
Radio Programs
- What to do if you find a dead bird in your yard 2025
- Crafting Invincible Environmental Protections, Part 4: The Empire Strikes Back 2024
- My Backyard Habitat 2024
- So it goes.... 2024
- Starting 2024 Right! 2024
- New Wheels for Birding! 2023
- Teach Your Children Well, Part 2 2023
- April Is the Cruelest Month 2023
- Looking for Spring in All the Wrong Places 2023
- Hawk Ridge: Fifty Years and Counting! 2022
- New Years Brrrrrrding! 2022
- Rat Poisons: They're Even Worse Than We Thought 2021
- Poop List! 2021
- April Update 2021
- Spring! 2021
- Eagle "Rebirth" redux 2020
- 2020 Duluth Christmas Bird Count 2020
- Natural Predators and Death 2020
- November Musings, Part 2 2020
- October Snow! 2020
- Backyard Fun 2020
- Yard List 2020
- Blast from the Past: Eagle Poop! 2020
- Earth Day 2020 2020
- How Wildlife Is Faring During the Shutdown 2020
- The Birds and the Bees 2020
- The Heartbreak of Rehabbing Birds 2020
- Bird Declines, Part 1 2019
- Spring Update: Eagles, Hawks, Magpies, and a Most Cooperative Robin 2019
- Birds in the News 2019
- First Bird of 2019 2019
- How Lisa Found Childlike Delight through Photography 2018
- Visiting Port Wing's South Shore School 2018
- Listener's Favorite Birds #6: Mike's Loon 2018
- Superb Owl Sunday 2018; Massive Bad Karma 2018
- Minnesota's Breeding Bird Atlas: Some Species Accounts 2017
- Our Far-Flung Correspondents 2017
- Bogus Video: Rebirth of an Eagle 2017
- Hawk Ridge Update 2017
- Arm and Hammer bird trading cards, Part I 2017
- The Captain of Our Soul 2017
- Thoughts about Chickadees on the Fourth of July 2017
- Review: National Geographic field guide, Seventh Edition 2017
- Conclusion of 101 Ways to Help Birds 2017
- Life Giving Experiences 2017
- A Walk at Park Point 2017
- Unexpected Trip to Chicago 2017
- First Warbler Walk of the year 2017
- Rescinding the Ban on Lead Ammo 2017
- Moseying through the Bog 2017
- High Plains Snow Goose Festival 2017
- February Romance 2017
- Superb Owl Sunday 2017
- Wealth in the New Gilded Age 2017
- Endangered Species Act: A Big Success 2016
- Hog Island Audubon Camp 2016
- Listing 2016
- Correcting Egregious Errors 2016
- Mornings in a Sharp-tailed Grouse Observation Blind 2016
- The Cruelty of an April Wind 2016
- The Bold and the Beautiful: Duluth's Peregrine Falcons Part 2 2015
- Fishicles 2015
- Oldest Wild Birds 2014
- Kingfishers in a Sitcom World 2014
- Auto Collisions and Birds 2014
- Endangered Species Act Revisited 2014
- Amorphous Nature 2014
- Hawks and Doves 2014
- My Little Bird Dog 2014
- Birding by Amtrak 2014
- Helping Endangered Species 2013
- Birding in Madison, Wisconsin 2013
- So Much Violence 2013
- Fishy Tales 2012
- Mr. Borkowski, Great Teacher or the Greatest Teacher? 2012
- Endangered Species Act 2012
- They Shoot Hawks, Don't They? 2012
- Mourning Dove Survey 2012 2012
- Bald Eagle Migration: 2012 2012
- Valentine's Day 2012 2012
- Cynicism 2012
- Owl Controversy Part I 2011
- News for Hunters 2011
- Hawk Migration at Hawk Ridge 2011
- Bald Eagle Tragedy 2011
- Angry Birds 2011
- Winter's Last Stand 2011
- New Year's Day predictions based on your first bird of the year, Part II 2011
- Lead: Still a Threat 2010
- Birthday 2010 2010
- Lead, Part II 2010
- Lead, Part I 2010
- Bald Eagle 2010
- A Perfect Day 2010
- KUMD--Live Interview with Lisa Johnson 2010
- Athletic teams named for birds 2010
- Baby-Proofing the World of Birds 2009
- Peregrine Watch, 2009! 2009
- Fawn 2009
- State of the Birds, 2009 2009
- Airplane-Bird Collisions 2009
- Rare Birds Here and There 2008
- Close Encounter of the Eagle Kind 2008
- Emily's Eagle, Part II 2008
- Emily's Eagle, Part I 2008
- Bald Eagle "Rebirth" 2008
- Willow Ptarmigan 2008
- Ithaca: New Yard List! 2008
- Environment Then and Now 2007
- Veteran Pigeons 2007
- Stephen Colbert's Bears 2007
- August Day at Hawk Ridge 2007
- Dogs vs. Hawks and Other Predators 2007
- Earth Day 2007 2007
- Dr. Ruth of Ornithology Pt. 2: How birds prepare their bodies for reproduction 2007
- Ice Storms 2007
- Looking for Owls with Sharon 2007
- New Year 2007 2007
- Al Hupila's Ruffed Grouse Story 2006
- Birding at Minnesota River Valley National Wildlife Refuge 2006
- Birding from a Deer Stand 2006
- Hawk Ridge, 2006 2006
- Migration Update, 2006 2006
- Street Patrol 2006
- Monofilament 2006
- Great Blue Heron colony 2006
- Migration Update 2006
- Tundra Swans 2006
- Spring Update 2006
- Christmas Bird Count 2005 2005
- Developing Florida 2005
- Watching Hawks 2005
- My Blog 2005
- DDT still out there 2005
- Birds in the News: Duck Die-off 2005
- Gyrchannel's Birds in the News 2005
- Sandhill Crane Migration 2005
- This Winter 2005
- Saved by a Hummingbird 2004
- Two-winged Eagle 2004
- Birds in the News 2004
- Birds in the News: Hurricane Charley, and drug testing for pigeons 2004
- Migration Report 2004
- Shoreline Conservation Tips 2004
- DDT Revisited, Part I 2004
- Missing Pelicans 2004
- A Walk in Port Wing 2004
- April is the cruelest month 2004
- Turkey Vulture 2004
- Mourning Dove Season 2004
- Recycle Mercury Items 2004
- Spring Is Coming! 2004
- Bald Eagle II (placeholder) 2004
- Whooping Crane update 2003
- Whooping Crane Ultralight Migration 2003
- Record-breaking Day at Hawk Ridge 2003
- Bring Back DDT? 2003
- My Boy in Florida 2003
- Get the Lead Out for Condors 2003
- Leaves 2002
- Whooping Crane Update 2002
- Evocativeness of Autumn 2002
- Mona Rutgers dealing with West Nile Virus. 2002
- August 2002
- Wild Pelican Chase 2002
- Manx Shearwater 2002
- Red-winged Blackbird 2002
- House Karma 2001
- Birthday 2001 2001
- Hunting 2001
- Flying 2001
- Headed to Alaska 2001
- Spirit and Soul 2001
- Pileated Woodpeckers and other striking birds 2001
- Free Gifts for the Birds: Conserve Energy 2000
- Eagle Goes to School 2000
- Autumn Report 2000
- Poem by John Oberholtzer: Bird Legs 2000
- Hummingbird vs. Kestrel 2000
- Fish and Birds (Re-recorded from 1987) 2000
- Thunderstorms 2000
- Smew! 2000
- Get the Lead Out! 2000
- Bald Eagle 2000
- Bald Eagles in Winter 1999
- Joey the Eagle 1999
- Tommy's Birthday 1999
- Rex the Baby Kingbird 1999
- Florida for Spring Break! 1999
- Vulture Chow 1999
- The Land of Giant Blood-Sucking Mosquitoes 1999
- Marry Someone Like a Blue Jay 1999
- A Perfect Fall Day 1998
- Evocativeness of Autumn 1998
- Migration Update and Kestrels 1998
- Gepetto the Baby Pileated Woodpecker, Part 2 1998
- Family Values of Birds 1998
- Lifers at 55 1997
- Eagle Poop 1997
- April 1997
- Early Mating Rituals 1997
- Happy Anniversary 1997
- Spring is here—almost 1997
- Bald Eagles 1996
- Hawk Ridge 1996
- Eastern Kingbird: Tyrant of All Tyrants 1996
- Book Review: The Wind Masters 1995
- Snow Bunting 1995
- Searching for the Elusive Groove-billed Ani 1995
- Osprey 1995
- Hawk Ridge 1995
- Eagle Nest 1995
- Turkey Vultures 1995
- Signs of Spring 1995
- Paper Route 1995
- New Computer 1995
- Golden Eagle (Placeholder) 1994
- Bird Vision (Placeholder) 1994
- Spring Walk 1994
- Where Are the Killdeer? 1994
- Bird heaven 1994
- Bald Eagles (Placeholder) 1994
- Bald Eagle (placeholder) 1993
- Walking to School 1993
- Bald Eagle (Placeholder) 1993
- Wintering Eagles (Placeholder) 1992
- Hawk Counting 1992
- Hawk Ridge Assistants 1992
- Controversy in the Birding World 1992
- Commensalism 1991
- Bird Populations 1991
- Micki and Maude (reworked from 1988) 1991
- Bald Eagle Courtship (Placeholder) 1991
- Sounds of Spring Migration 1991
- Hearts 1991
- Lists 1991
- Thunderstorms 1990
- Autumn Report 1990
- Homeowner's Insurance 1990
- Eagles Mating (UDY) 1990
- Garbagemen in the Bird World 1989
- Woodpeckers 1989
- Stranger than Fiction 1989
- Eagle Flight 1989
- Mobbing and Piracy 1989
- Hawk Ridge Weekend 1989
- Hawk Ridge 1989
- Trends in bird populations 1989
- Birds People Seldom Think of Singing 1989
- Rid-a-Bird 1989
- Where are the hummingbirds? 1989
- John Bartlett 1989
- Baby Bird Biology, Part II 1989
- Baby Bird Biology, Part I 1989
- Avian Spearfishing 1989
- Watching migration 1989
- Exxon Oil Spill 1989
- Hummingbirds 1989
- April 1989
- Eagle Courtship 1989
- Migration Report 1989
- Spring is on its way 1989
- Listener Letters 1989
- Sex Discrimination and Birds 1989
- Bird Collecting. 1989
- Bird Collecting. 1989
- Bald Eagle 1989
- Last Day of Winter Bird Contest 1989
- Scavenging 1989
- Eggs 1989
- How birds survive winter 1989
- Trumpeter Swan Lead Poisoning 1989
- Contest update 1989
- Feeder contest 1989
- White-breasted Nuthatch 1988
- Wild Eider Chase 1988
- Blackburnian Warbler 1988
- Birds and Housework 1988
- Golden Eagle 1988
- WHOA! Big Day at the Pumping Station 1988
- Hawk Ridge Weekend 1988 1988
- Movie Review: Micki and Maude 1988
- This year's drought 1988
- Bald Eagle 1988
- Migration Update 1988
- Last Robin of Winter 1988
- Hearts 1988
- Crows and other spring arrivals 1988
- Pileated Woodpecker (reworked from 1987) 1988
- Commensalism 1988
- Eagles in Winter 1988
- Bird's Eye View: Vision 1988
- Economic Systems of Birds 1987
- Tower Update 1987
- Scavengers: The Garbagemen of the Bird World. 1987
- Stranger than Fiction 1987
- Ode to the Lakewood Pumping Station 1987
- Hawk Ridge Weekend 1987, Part II 1987
- Hawk Ridge Weekend 1987 1987
- Eastern Kingbird 1987
- Port Wing Blue Jay Hater's Birthday 1987
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1987
- Welcome to WOJB and KBEM with Ogden Nash 1987
- Birding by Canoe 1987
- John Bartlett 1987
- Birding from a Car with Kids 1987
- Migration Update 1987
- More arrivals: migration update 1987
- Bald Eagle migration 1987 1987
- Early Signs of Spring 1987
- Bald Eagle 1987
- Sex Discrimination and Birds 1987
- Bird Collecting Then and Now 1987
- Eagles and Tennyson's poem 1986
- Bird Diseases 1986
- Birds in Thunderstorms 1986
- Where Are the Hummingbirds? 1986
- Fourth of July Birds 1986
Web Page
- 100 Plants to Feed the Birds 2022
- The Love Lives of Birds 2020
- ABA Field Guide to Birds of Minnesota 2016
- Identifying Birds of Prey 2016
- Into the Nest: Intimate Views of the Courting, Parenting and Family Lives of Birds 2015
- National Geographic Pocket Guide: Birds of North America 2013
- Hawk Ridge: Minnesota's Birds of Prey 2012
- For the Birds: An Uncommon Guide 1993